Barefoot scarpe Be Lenka Stride - Black
- Vegano
Queste sneakers portano la leggerezza dei vostri passi ad un livello ancora superiore. Le sneakers Be Lenka Stride, nei colori nero completano la collezione minimal adatta anche alle giornate caldissime. Si distinguono per l’estrema leggerezza e un ottimo ActiveGrip Neo che garantisce un miglior contatto con il terreno su cui state camminando. Le snekears barefoot, in tessuto a maglia, si abbinano benissimo con tutti i vostri outfit preferiti.
Scegliere dimensione
Nella scelta della calzatura ponete attenzione alla misura. La lunghezza e la larghezza nei singoli modelli può variare.
Colore / Sfumatura
Disponibilità scegli una variante
Aggiungi al carrelloBenefici barefoot

Valutazioni dei prodotti
Valutazione media basata su 179 recensioni
4.87 de 5 estrellas
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Giada Cliente verificato
Eccezionali, come tutte le belenka provate…e sono al mio quarto paio!
Sono molto leggere, perfette per l’estate e calzano perfettamente.
Alice Cliente verificato
Molto comode
Francesco Cliente verificato
Una calzata ottima, una suola davvero godibile. Più cammini più senti il confort. L'unica cosa negativa è che col l'estate che avanza il piede soffre di mancanza di aria, ma è totalmente normale, succede con tutte le scarpe chiuse. Consiglio queste scarpe, sportive ma anche casual sotto i jeans.
Alberto Cliente verificato
sto usando scarpe barefoot da un anno circa, in particolare mi trovo benissimo con le Stride Be Lenka, questo è il secondo paio che ordino, consigliatissime.
András Cliente verificato
Könnyű, nyári cipő!Még nincs tapasztalat,de jól néz ki.
Iris Cliente verificato
Ik heb nieuwe lievelingsschoenen♥️
Jack Cliente verificato
I couldn’t get my foot inside these shoes. I closely followed the sizing directions when ordering. Perhaps my foot is just too wide for this style.

Be Lenka
Dear Jack, Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We are sorry to hear that some of the models form your order did not fit as expected. To clarify, we manufacture our shoes on different lasts to satisfy as many customers as possible. For this reason, the sizing and dimensions can vary from model to model. It is also necessary to consider your foot physiology that can have an impact on how your chosen model will fit your foot. This can sometimes result in a particular model not being the perfect fit. However, we are pleased to know that you found some models that met your and your childs expectations. If you need any assistance with sizing or selecting the right model in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at We're here to help you find the perfect fit. Team Be Lenka
Beatrice Cliente verificato
Ich bin mit der Lieferung sehr zufrieden und mit dem Produkt sowieso. Ich bin noch am überlegen mir ein paar Lederschuh für den Herbst zu kaufen. Super das mein Sohn mich auf Eure Seite aufmerksam gemacht hat
Danke 👍
Alicja Cliente verificato
Super, ekstra, fantastyczne. Po dwóch reklamacjach ale udało się, że dwa buty pasują idealnie.
Reklamacje rozpatrzone pozytywnie i bez problemów. A buty sztosik. Wygodne, eleganckie. Polecam.
kon Cliente verificato
My feet are extra wide and usually have to go size up 1 or 2 UK size (.5 to 1 USA) even in extra wide to find a comfortable fit.
I was looking for a wide zero drop shoe to use in the gym for squats. It was hard to find one that was actually wide enough.
This shoe fits great and has a stretchy upper so I could have just went up in one size but I went with 2 just to be safe. Even with the extra length it didn't feel like my feet was slipping which was great. The only thing I didn't like was the heal tab/hook being too stiff or high. I'll probably have to buy taller socks too keep it from scratching my heels.
Hope Be Lenka will release a even wider version for people like me. I also wished there was a all black version.

Be Lenka
Dear Kon, Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us! We're thrilled to hear that our shoes have finally provided the wide, zero-drop fit you were searching for in the gym. It's great to know that even with the extra length, your feet stayed snug and secure. We’re always listening, and your feedback about the heel tab is super valuable. Tall socks are a great idea in the meantime, but we’ll definitely keep your suggestion in mind for future designs. We love hearing what our customers need, and who knows what might be in the works! Thank you for choosing Be Lenka, and for your thoughtful suggestions. Team Be Lenka
Katharina Cliente verificato
Very comfy but a bit too big, I’ve measured my foot, etc., but the shoes are too big regardless. Would definitely order again but in smaller size.

Be Lenka
Dear Katharina, We're glad to hear that you find the shoes very comfortable, even though they turned out to be a bit too big. It's great that you're considering ordering again from our eshop. If you need any assistance with sizing or have any questions about the return process, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team at . We're here to help you finding the perfect fit. Thank you for your support and understanding. We look forward to helping you find the right size so you can enjoy your shoes to the fullest!
Fanny Cliente verificato
Tolle Schuhe für breite Füße, die durch ihre flexible Oberfläche vom ersten Tag an ausgesprochen bequem zu tragen sind.
Gediminas Milašius Cliente verificato
Somehow inperceptibly I’ve become a fan of Belenka barefoot shoes. I have more thant 10 different pairs of them at the moment. In fact I’ve got rid of all the other shoes that I owned and now I have just Belenka for all seasons and ocasions. And it’s my sincere pleasure to highly recommend these shoes to anyone fond of barefoots.
Simple, modest and yet exceptionaly comfortable. This grey colour can successfully hide some stains. I haven’t expected they can hold my feet dry in the light rain, and they actually can to some extent. Quite hard to put them on the foot - it took me a week to find the way: I hold firmly the heel of the shoe with both my thumbs while moving my foot forward. No other flaws found.
ESPEN Cliente verificato
The upper is nice and soft. Like a sock with a sole. So it stretches and hugs your foot just like i wanted. However, i can't give this shoe 5 stars because the size chart is false information for this particular model. It is NOT as wide as the chart suggests. The sole itself is actually more narrow than their other sneakers like the Zing. They need to change that info to correct measurements because the sole here was too narrow for my foot. Had to sell them.

Be Lenka
Thank you for sharing your feedback. We’re glad you liked the material and fit of our model Stride. Please note that we manufacture our products on different lasts to accommodate a wide range of customer preferences. As a result, dimensions in length and width can vary from model to model. We recommend referring to the size chart for each specific model when selecting the appropriate size. Thank you for your purchase and understanding. Team Be Lenka
Gabriela Cliente verificato
Spokojnosť, veľmi pohodlné.
Milena Cliente verificato
Jestem bardzo zadowolona, buty lekkie, wygodne, fajnie wyglądają.
Jana Cliente verificato
Topanky sedia na nohu, zodpovedaju obrazkom na internete, su pohodlne. Odporucam.
Jana Cliente verificato
Nosím ich v práci a sú super!
Anne Cliente verificato
Endlich gibt mein rechter kleiner Zeh Ruhe! Bin sehr froh, mich getraut zu haben (bestelle ungern online) aber die Größentabellen sind sehr hilfreich und verlässlich. Die blaue Farbe ist der Knaller und trotz angepriesener dünner Sohle fühle ich mich gut gepolstert. (auf Arbeit fast nur Betonboden ) Der feste Halt, vor allem der hohe Fersenabschluss ist evt gewöhnungsbedürftig anfangs aber schmiegt sich nach ein paar Tagen sehr gut an. Ich trage meine sogar ohne Schnürsenkel ;o) Zwischen meinen duckfeeds und den belenka liegen nur 0,50cm in der Breite aber die machen es echt aus. Ich hoffe, ich habe lange Freude an ihnen.
Markéta Cliente verificato
U tenisek jsem byla překvapená hodně těsnou gumou kolem kotníků. Z toho důvodu se mi hůř obouvají a ze začátku trochu tlačí. Dá se na to ale zvyknout. Uvidím až je trochu rozchodím. Tenisky jsou jinak příjemně lehké.

Be Lenka
Dobrý deň, ďakujeme za Vašu spätnú väzbu. Každá spätná väzba od zákazníka je pre nás dôležitá a môže nám pomôcť pri vývoji a výrobe našich nových modelov. S pozdravom Be Lenka Team
Vlasta Cliente verificato
za pár dní, čo som nosila tenisky som spokojná.
Miroslava Cliente verificato
Posobia kvalitne, cakala som ze budu o nieco predusnejsie na leto. Zatial som ich mala len raz obute lebo ma vsetko bolelo :) zvykam si...

Be Lenka
Dobrý deň, ďakujeme za vašu spätnú väzbu. Ak začínate s barefoot obuvou, odporúčame ju nosiť len krátky čas. Chodidlá a svaly si musia zvyknúť na tvar topánky bez klenby, tenkú podrážku a nulový sklon medzi pätou a špičkou. Chôdza v barefoot obuvi imituje chôdzu naboso. Je dôležité si uvedomiť, že prechod z bežnej obuvi na barefoot obuv môže byť istý čas nepohodlný. S pozdravom Be Lenka Team
Klára Cliente verificato
Skvele, pohodlne, rychle se nazouvaji, manzel si je chvali
Jan Cliente verificato
Są super. Niekoniecznie bardzo minimalistyczne bo jednak trochę tej podeszwy i wkładki jest ale wygodne do biegania i na siłownię. Polecam!

Be Lenka
Hello, Thank you for your feedback. We are happy to hear that you like our shoes! We wish you many happy steps in them. Your Be Lenka Team
Valérie Cliente verificato
Super confortables et un joli look !
Edita Cliente verificato
Maximálne spokojná ,rýchle a kvalitne
Jindřich Cliente verificato
Chodí se v nich skvěle. Rychle se nazouvají a vyzouvají. Zatím nevidím žádné nedostatky.
Zaya Cliente verificato
comfortable and stylish, good for low volume feet
Veronika Cliente verificato
Super rychlý nákup a skvěle padnoucí a pohodlné tenisky na léto. Doporučuji se řídit při výběru velikosti tabulkou a návodem.
Marián Cliente verificato
mohli by byť trochu voľnejšie. dosť ťažko sa obúvajú.
Hyacynth Cliente verificato
I really like these shoes! They are lightweight and comfortable. The fit works well for my foot shape. They are quite stylish and pretty comfortable. The only note I would share is that the ankle part rubs around the very top of the opening and it feels better to wear ankle-high socks than no-show socks.
Mylie Cliente verificato
So comfy, as always. I love Be Lenka shoes
Agata Cliente verificato
Bardzo wygodne buty. Zmierzylam stope aby wybrac idealny rozmiar poniewaz troche sie rozni od standardu EU. Normalnie nosze 40, ale zmierzylam i wzielam 41 i sa idealne. Jestem mile zaskoczona bo to moje pierwsze buty od Be Lenka, ale na pewno nie ostatnie. Super sie sprawdzaja na letnie dni, i na chlodniejsze razem ze skarpetami.
Claudia Cliente verificato
Die Schuhe passen perfekt und sind gut verarbeitet. Allerdings sehen sie angezogen sehr langweilig aus, weswegen ich sie zurückgeschickt habe.
Jana Cliente verificato
Bin begeistert. Sehr schöner Schuh!
Ewa Cliente verificato
Jestem zachwycona butami. Są bardzo wygodnei całkiem przewiewne. Chodzę w nich codziennie.
Matthew Cliente verificato
Love the shoes, I appreciate barefoot style shoes that don’t look goofy and these look pretty nice!
Mateja Cliente verificato
They are great! I was sceptical if they fit thin ankles, but they do! I only added additional inserts for less volume in shoes, becaues I have low foot.
Veronika Cliente verificato
Topanky su velmi prijemne,vzdusne.
Daniel Cliente verificato
Bardzo wygodne i świetnie wyglądające trampki. Polecam
Petra Cliente verificato
Úžasné tenisky, ľahulinké a extrémne príjemné na nosenie. Určite objednám aj v čiernej farbe. Milujem ich :)
Veronika Cliente verificato
Skvele, už tretí pár od belenky a iné už nemôžem obuť, pokukujem ešte po sandálkach, neváhajte, podporte slovensku firmu a doprajte svojim nohám max pohodlícko, mame len jedno zdravie
Gabriela Cliente verificato
Sidney Cliente verificato
Very comfortable, lightweight and flexible for my feel. I am working to strengthen my big toe again from tight shoes that have caused bunions over the years and this product, paired with another to straighten the toe as I walk, has helped amazingly to re-engage my whole foot as I walk.
The shoes have very good grip, and look like any other shoe I would pick out for athletic wear. It is everything I was looking for in a shoe, including the price point.
Jean-Michel Cliente verificato
Très satisfait
Anna Cliente verificato
Wygodne jak kapcie domowe ❤️
Ivana Cliente verificato
Komunikácia aj dodanie úplne super. Topánky vyzerali veľmi pekne, avšak musela som ich vrátiť nakoľko boli veľmi veľké. Snažila som sa určiť veľkosť podľa manuálu ale očividne som niečo namerala nesprávne :/
Atanas Cliente verificato
Shoes are really comfortable, the delivery was fast.
Atanas Cliente verificato
Shoes are really comfortable, the delivery was fast.
Iva Cliente verificato
The shoes are very well made, flexible, very suitable for summer no-socks wear. They are quite wide and with the mesh upper, they also accommodate bunions right away. The elastic ankle cuff does not chaff and makes the fit more secure. They come with a very comfortable, breathable, moisture-wicking summer insole.
Lara Cliente verificato
love em! flexible and wide, very stylish
Daniel Cliente verificato
Boty jsou dobré, ale mají tvrdší špičku (asi ochrana proti nakopnutí prstů) Každopádně mě osobně to dělá trochu poct menších bot (i když velikostně jsou správně a mám dostatek místa vpředu). Jinak jsou pohodlné a super je, že jsou jen nazouvací.

Be Lenka
Ďakujeme, za Váš feedback. Každá spätná väzba je pre nás dôležitá a môže nám pomôcť pri vývoji a výrobe naších produktov. S pozdravom Be Lenka Team
Martin Cliente verificato
Uplne super, skoro akoby som chodil doma bosi
Ingo Cliente verificato
Ein sehr schöner Schuh! Verarbeitung wirkt vernünftig - merkt man ja erst nach einiger Zeit. Die Sohle ist etwas dicker, als ich es von der Firma mit dem Leguan kenne, aber trotzdem ein gutes Barfuß-Gefühl. Größe fällt aus wie erwartet, nicht größer, nicht kleiner. Kann ich bisher nur empfehlen!
Denise Cliente verificato
Super Schuh!
Bei uns Tragen Kinder und Eltern mittlerweile alle Belenka 😀
Michael Cliente verificato
Sehr angenehm zu tragender Sommerschuh. Da ich bereits ein Paar in einer anderen Farbe besitze, fiel die Wahl nicht schwer.
Leonie Cliente verificato
Very nice!!
Dimitar Cliente verificato
Quck and easy order. Prompt delivery. This is my second pair of the same model. Very durable, unlike many other more expensive barefoot shoes.
Martin Cliente verificato
Dostal som na ne odporúčanie v predajni pri kúpe rebound. Vyskúšal som ich a odvtedy boli v hlave až som ich nakoniec kúpil. Sú úžasné.
PAVOL Cliente verificato
Enormne pohodlné a ľahučké tenisky, tzv. našuchovací luxus :) Rýchlosť dodania je už len bonus.
Jana Cliente verificato
Jsem moc spokojena:)
Kateřina Cliente verificato
Bezvadné, lehké, snadno se nazouvají. Naprostá spokojenost.
Jozefína Cliente verificato
Tenisky sadli ako uliate 🤩 krasne, funkcne, pohodlné 👌oceňujem vystuženú prednú hornú časť topánky v oblasti prstov, zabráni tým prederaveniu. Nenadarmo je to už 4 ks tejto značky v mojom šatníku
Karina Cliente verificato
Rasche Lieferung, tolle Optik, super Qualität
Karina Cliente verificato
Rasche Lieferung, tolle Optik, super Qualität
Vaclav Koníček Cliente verificato
Další skvěle boty od belenky, které jsem si pořídil. U těchto botiček je silnější vložka, než u ostatních bot, které mám, tak méně cítíte terén. I přes to bota je stejně dobře ohebna. Guma po straně kotníku nikde netlačí.
Petra Cliente verificato
Jsou příjemné, lehoučké, jen bych potřebovala ještě o půl čísla větší velikost.
Anna Cliente verificato
Skvělý botky♥️
Jana Cliente verificato
Velmi pohodlne, pekny design. Som velmi spokojna.
Zuzana Cliente verificato
Jsou úžasné
Ferdinand Cliente verificato
sehr gute Qualität, fühlt sich perfekt beim Gehen in abfallendem Gelände an. Kann ich nur empfehlen. Wird nicht mein letzter Schuh von Belenka sein

Be Lenka
Lieber Ferdinand, vielen Dank für Deine Bewertung. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass die Schuhe Deine Erwartungen erfüllt haben und perfekt passen. Wir hoffen, dass unsere anderen Modelle in Deinem Schuhschrank ebenso beliebt sein werden. Wir sind gespannt auf Deine nächste Auswahl und Deine Eindrücke. Be Lenka Team
Grażyna Cliente verificato
Wszystko ok
Rastislav Cliente verificato
super ako vzdy
Pavla Cliente verificato
Botky jsou extra pohodlne, jako backurky. Velikostne sedi dobre, jsem moc spokojena.
Thomas Cliente verificato
Sehr schöner Barfußschuh. Hohe Qualität.
Štěpánka Cliente verificato
Super rychlé doručení! Zatím nejlepší barefoot botky. Pěkně sedí na noze.
Marianna Cliente verificato
Objednávka vybavená veľmi rýchlo, len tenisky boli bohužiaľ malé, tak som ich musela vrátiť, ale vyzerali skvele
Jan Cliente verificato
Super cena, super tenisky nič lepšie ako barefoot neexistuje
Miriama Cliente verificato
Našuchovačky, je to ako ponožka s podrážkou, veľmi pohodlné, rýchlo sa obúvajú, vyzerajú lepšie ako som si predstavovala, oproti ostatným barefoot topánkam pôsobia výzorovo užšie ale pocitovo sú to stále papučky
Steven Cliente verificato
Schnelle Lieferung und top Schuhe. Passen, wie angegossen und sind sehr bequem.
Svatava Cliente verificato
Anja Cliente verificato
I love the shoes, they fit well to jeans, skirt or a dress.
Natalia Cliente verificato
Szybka wysyłka. Dobra jakość. Pięknie wyglądają
Adela Elena Cliente verificato
Perfect fit. Used the guidelines provided online and had some doubts (our son is 12, with a narrow foot, and until very recently was 37-38). He’s very comfortable.
Not cleaned them yet and only a used a couple of days.
Magdalena Cliente verificato
Rozmiar buta mam 40, tu wzięłam 41 i jest git. Same buty spoko, założone raz na siłownię. Więc zobaczymy.
Zamówiłam też czarne Trampki barefoot Be Lenka Dash - All Black roz. 42 i były już mocno za duże - więc do zwrotu.
Tu jednak informacyjnie - polityka zwrotów to porażka. Muszę zapłacić ok. 80 zł na wysyłkę na Słowację (gdzie przysyłka przyszła do mnie z PL). Chciałam zamówić następne buty, ale teraz się zastanawiam czy jest sens bawić się później w tak drogie zwroty... Moje niedopatrzenie, że zwrot jest do Słowacji. Tak czy siak, bardzo słabe przy takich cenach obuwia. Taka polityka zwrotu bardzo rzutuje na podejście firmy do klienta. Nie rozumiem tego, skoro buty przyszły z magazynu z Czechowice-Dziedzice Poland, czemu jako klient nie mogę odesłać do tego nadawcy? Być może dla niektórych osób nie ma to znaczenia, jednak ja zwracam tylko jedną parę (paczka rozmiarowo plus wagowo nie jest az tak duża, jednak co przy większej ilości?). Kupując kilka par butów do przymierzenia, zwrot może wynieść Cię nawet do 250 PLN. Jest to sporo.
Tak, buty super ale teraz muszę się zastanowić, czy jest sens coś jeszcze od was zamawiać, jeśli jest ryzyko, że będę zmuszona do zwrotu (bo np. źle dobiorę rozmiar).
My shoe size is 40, here I took 41 and it is git. The shoes themselves cool, worn once at the gym. So we'll see.
I also ordered black barefoot sneakers Be Lenka Dash - All Black size 42 and they were already way too big - so to return.
Here, however, for information - the return policy is a failure. I have to pay about 80 PLN for shipping to Slovakia (where the shipment came to me from PL). I wanted to order another pair of shoes, but now I'm wondering if there's any point in messing around with such expensive returns later.... My oversight that the return is to Slovakia. Anyway, very poor at such prices of shoes. Such a return policy very much projects the company's approach to the customer. I don't understand it, if the shoes came from the warehouse from Czechowice-Dziedzice Poland, why as a customer I can't send back to this sender? Perhaps for some people it does not matter, but I return only one pair (the package size plus weight is not so large, but what about with a larger quantity?). If you buy several pairs of shoes to try on, the return can cost you up to 250 PLN. This is quite a lot.
Yes, the shoes great but now I have to wonder if there is a point in ordering anything else from you if there is a risk that I will be forced to return them (because, for example, I get the size wrong).

Be Lenka
Dear Magdalena , thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We understand your disappointment in terms of transport costs, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Be Lenka attaches great importance to quality, environmental protection and sustainability not only in the production of goods but also in shipping. Be Lenka is based in Slovakia. Orders are dispatched from Slovakia, not Poland. Returns must therefore also be sent to Slovakia. As a gesture of goodwill, Be Lenka subsidises the shipping costs for orders. The buyer pays 1/3 of the shipping costs when ordering, Be Lenka pays 2/3 of the shipping costs. When returning the goods, the customer can send the consignment back to Be Lenka using the carrier of their choice. All information about returns can be found in the general terms and conditions at Thank you for understanding. Best regards, Team Be Lenka
Basel Cliente verificato
Very recommended shoe of be lenka...very flexible sole and so is the upper, very breathable and convenient for springs and summers. Hope this size comes back to stock
Ben Cliente verificato
Very comfortable shoe with very flexible upper that can give some extra space for your forefeet. Hope be lenka will make more from this shoes and keep their stock available.

Be Lenka
Thank you for your feedback! We're happy our shoes worked well for you. Customer feedback can help improve the development and production of our products. If you have more thoughts to share, please do not hesitate to contact us. Be Lenka Team
mark Cliente verificato
best shoes I have tried. so comfy and very very recommended.
kevin Cliente verificato
excellent shoe, very comfy. the upper is so flexible and so is the sole.
will buy another one again for sure.
kevin Cliente verificato
excellent shoe, very comfy. the upper is so flexible and so is the sole.
will buy another one again for sure.
C. S. Lopez Cliente verificato
¡Muy contento! Cómodas, de gran calidad y un ajuste perfecto
Hangan Cliente verificato
Really good and comfty shoes. Delivery was also good. A bit too long but there was a weekend in the middle of the delivery so I guess it’s understandable. Will deff buy again !
Nikola Cliente verificato
Sú krásne a pohodlné ako papučky 🤩 skutočne vyzerajú dobre aj k šatám napríklad. Trocha som sa bála, či nebudú pôsobiť veľmi športovo, ale pôsobia jemne a elegantne. Teším sa na ne, keď sa oteplí ❤️
Andrei Bogdan Cliente verificato
A Comfortable and Stylish Choice
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Be Lenka Stride Barefoot Sneakers in the Black & White colorway, size 40. Here’s my review:
Comfort: These sneakers feel amazing on the feet! The insoles provide excellent cushioning, and I can wear them for extended periods without any discomfort. The shoe holds my feet snugly but not too tightly, allowing for natural movement.
Design: The black and white combination is classic and versatile. Whether I’m pairing them with jeans or a casual dress, they add a touch of style to any outfit. The slingback design adds a unique twist while ensuring a secure fit.
Wide Toe Box: Be Lenka is known for its wide toe box, and the Stride sneakers are no exception. My toes have plenty of room to spread out naturally, promoting better foot health.
Craftsmanship: The craftsmanship is outstanding. These sneakers are well-made, and the attention to detail is evident. The durable materials give me confidence that they’ll last.
Sustainability: Be Lenka’s commitment to sustainability is commendable. These sneakers are vegan, and the brand prioritizes eco-friendly practices.
In summary, the Be Lenka Stride Barefoot Sneakers combine comfort, style, and functionality. Whether you’re strolling around the city or running errands, these sneakers are a great choice for anyone seeking a minimalist and supportive footwear option.
Be Lenka Stride Barefoot Sneakers - Black & White 40 are a solid addition to any barefoot shoe collection. Highly recommended!

Be Lenka
Dear Andrei , thank you for the awesome review! We're glad you enjoyed your experience with us. A great deal of passion goes into the design of our Be Lenka products, the choice of materials, and the quality of the workmanship. Delivering a well-fitting, high-quality shoe is our top priority. We manufacture shoes that perfectly copy the anatomy of a human foot. We are especially proud of our wide toe-box design, which offer plenty of space for your toes to wiggle freely. So, thank you again for choosing our product, and we hope to have the pleasure of serving you in the future. Best regards, Team Be Lenka
Michael Cliente verificato
Schmiegt sich dem Fuß wie eine zweite Haut an. Sehr angenehm zu tragen.
Ursula Cliente verificato
Die Schuhe sind sehr bequem. Das Material ist leicht dehnbar somit lässt sich der Schuh, auch bei breiten Füßen mit hohem Rist, sehr gut an- und ausziehen. Das Bündchen ist angenehm. Es gibt guten halt, ist aber nicht zu eng.
Bin sehr zufrieden.
Katka Cliente verificato
Dakujem za radu, vyskusala som, zial, vrzganie pokracuje aj po pravidelnom suseni stielky 😔

Be Lenka
Dobrý deň, ďakujeme za Vašu spätnú väzbu. Ak problém - vźganie topánok pokračuje, kontaktujte, prosím náš zákaznícky servis S pozdravom Be Lenka Team
Felix Cliente verificato
It feels amazing and comfortable!
The insoles are not going to tire these feet anytime soon, and I find that the shoe holds the feet snug but not too tight at all. One can adjust the level of tightness to their comfort.
I'd be willing to shop for more if I had more in my own budget.
No cons yet.
Keep at it Be Lenka!
Katarína Cliente verificato
Pohodlne, super lahke, mam len 1 problem. Topanky pri chodzi hrozne vrždia, vie niekto co s tym?

Be Lenka
Dobrý deň, ďakujeme za Vašu spätnú väzbu. "Vŕzganie" topánok môže byť spôsobené vlhkou (spotenou) stielkou, ktorá sa odiera o vnútro topánky. Po každom nosení odporúčame stielku vybrať a topánky a stielku nechať voľne vysušiť. S pozdravom Be Lenka Team
Informazioni sul prodotto
Tomaia: tessuto + microfibra
Fodera: tessuto
Soletta: PU riciclato + poliestere (rimovibile)
Suola: gomma (ActiveGripNeo)
Prodotte in Vietnam
EAN/SKU: 8qut5p5h2q
- scarpe estremamente leggere per un movimento dinamico anche nei mesi più caldi
- calzata semplice con la possibilità di chiusura con i lacci
- scarpe ideali per gli amanti di uno stile sportivo e per le passeggiate quotidiane
- la suola ActiveGrip Neo, con un design allegro, ha un’ ottima flessibilità e durata (la suola ricucita allunga la durata delle scarpe)
- gancetto pratico grazie al quale fissate facilmente le scarpe allo zaino
Vantaggi delle scarpe barefoot:
- Imitano perfettamente la camminata a piedi nudi
- La forma anatomica offre uno spazio generoso per le dita
- Lo zero drop della suola mantiene il tallone e la punta alla stessa altezza per una corretta postura del corpo
- La suola, con lo spessore di 5 mm (senza arco plantare), stimola le terminazioni nervose dei piedi
- I materiali flessibili garantiscono una migliore funzionalità dei muscoli e dei tendini del piede
- La leggerezza delle scarpe previene la stanchezza dei piedi
Tipo: calzatura da città

Tabella di formato
Taglia | Larghezza | Lunghezza |
36 | 9,5 | 23,1 |
37 | 9,7 | 23,7 |
38 | 9,9 | 24,4 |
39 | 10,1 | 25,1 |
40 | 10,3 | 25,7 |
41 | 10,5 | 26,4 |
42 | 10,8 | 27,4 |
43 | 11 | 28 |
44 | 11,2 | 28,7 |
45 | 11,4 | 29,4 |
46 | 11,6 | 30 |
47 | 11,8 | 30,7 |
La tabella delle taglie indica la lunghezza interna e la larghezza delle scarpe in centimetri.
Nella scelta della taglia delle scarpe, è necessario considerare altri aspetti oltre alla tabella delle taglie delle scarpe (fisiologia dei piedi - forma, larghezza delle dita, alto collo del piede e altri), che possono influenzare come la scarpa si adatterà al vostro piede.
Come misurare il piede correttamente?
- Posizioni un foglio bianco formato A4 su una superficie piana, liscia e uniforme.
- Sali sul foglio con tutto il tuo peso sulla gamba.
- Usi una penna/matita per segnare il tallone e il punto più lontano dal tallone (attenzione, potrebbe non essere sempre l'alluce)
- Misuri la distanza tra questi due punti sui piedi con un righello (la differenza può essere ± 0,5 cm)
- Il numero ottenuto è la lunghezza del piede
- Aggiungi 0,5 cm in più (margine di manovra ideale) alla lunghezza del piede e otterrai la misura ideale della tua scarpa.
- Trova il tuo numero di scarpe per le misure sopra indicate facendo riferimento alla tabella delle taglie per ogni prodotto sul nostro sito web.
- La tabella delle taglie indica la lunghezza interna e la larghezza delle nostre scarpe a piedi nudi in centimetri
Important note
- Le nostre tabelle delle taglie potrebbero non essere correlate con altre marche. Pertanto, ti consigliamo di seguire i passaggi precedenti per determinare la misura corretta delle tue scarpe barefoot Be Lenka.
Come sceliere la giusta taglia di barefoot scarpe?
Le istruzioni per la pulizia e impregnazione barefoot scarpe.
Chiedi sul prodotto
Siamo qui per te
Vi prestiamo i giusti consigli per la scelta e rispondiamo su tutto ció che vi interessa.
+421 41 321 78 33
(Mon - Fri, 8 am - 4.00 pm GMT + 2)